Tom Figura

I am called Tom Figura by most who know me.

Other permutations include “T,” “Tommy,” and “Thomas.”

I’m a multidisciplinary creative gentleman with a wide range of experiences, talents, and skills, including branding, graphic design, website design, experiential marketing design, ADA website compliance, and digital marketing and SEO.

Over the past 20 years I have shepherded websites, marketing campaigns, branding initiatives, and events from concept to execution, across media and mediums. I’ve had the pleasure of working with some great brands including Colgate, Nike, Playtex, Gatorade, Discovery Channel, Education Reform Now, and Diageo.

Currently, I work with SMB to develop their digital marketing strategy and assets. This can range from a simple website to application development and deployment.

In my professional lifetime, I’ve worn many hats – Art director at mkgt. Adjunct professor at CUNY. Technical art director at OSS. Creative director for CrossPathCulture. Background comic book artist on Ghost Rider and Wolverine.

I am available for contracted engagements, as a project team member or leader, or as a consultant. Contact me to discuss your project. I will make the end results better. If you have more involved needs, or want a ready-made creative and web development team, I’m also a partner in pondSoup, a full-service creative services agency and web development firm.

I have myriad hobbies outside of marketing and design – bread baking and cooking, snowboarding, horticulture, drums and percussion, woodworking and carpentry, aquariums – that can make me an interesting / useful fellow to have around. Variety is the spice of life, so to speak. Get in touch with me to find out how I can help your business